Our Purpose

We are committed to help people with disabilities, their caregivers, family and friends navigate this world so they can have equal chances in life.

Our Vision

Enhance the lives of people with disabilities.

Our Mission

Aboutdis provides resources to the disabled and their inner circle by creating a community of their peers, who understands them like no other and can share their knowledge and provide trusted reviews on available resources in their neighborhood or anywhere around the world. With this we take the guesswork and isolation out of disabilities and disabilities caregiving.

Our Values

Deliver extraordinary customer experience

Pursue continuous growth

Keep an open mind

Genuinely care and respect all

Don’t forget to laugh and have fun

Our Leaders

Caroll Heuvel

Caroll Heuvel


As the heart and driving force behind Aboutdis, Caroll Heuvel draws her inspiration from her personal journey as a mother of a child with autism. Her determination to create a better world for her child and others on the autism spectrum led her to establish the Autism Talent Ontwikkel Centrum (ATOC) foundation. A visionary and advocate for change, Caroll's unwavering commitment gave rise to a school in Suriname where children with autism receive tailored education from trained teachers and various therapists.

Caroll's deep understanding of the needs of parents and caregivers has driven her to foster a sense of community through Aboutdis. Having walked the path herself, she recognizes the importance of connecting with others who share similar experiences. Additionally, as a traveler, Caroll seeks to make the world more accessible by identifying autism-friendly spots, creating an inclusive space for her daughter and others alike.

Bianca Swidler

Bianca Swidler


Bianca Swidler, a compassionate and dedicated caregiver, brings a unique perspective to the Aboutdis community. Her journey as a caretaker for her brother on the autism spectrum highlighted the challenges and time-consuming efforts involved in finding the necessary resources. Fuelled by her experiences, Bianca is determined to make life easier for caretakers by providing a platform that streamlines day-to-day tasks for individuals with disabilities.

With a strong commitment to creating efficient and practical solutions, Bianca's involvement in Aboutdis reflects her genuine desire to empower caretakers and provide a sense of unity among those facing similar challenges.

Michael Keltner

Michael Keltner


Behind the scenes of Aboutdis is Michael Keltner, an IT specialist whose wife's involvement in the special needs community ignited a passion for driving positive change. Michael believes in the transformative power of technology and its ability to enhance the lives of individuals with disabilities. Drawing from his technical expertise and his wife's dedication, Michael contributes to Aboutdis with the goal of making a tangible impact on the lives of those with disabilities.

Michael's commitment to leveraging technology to address real-world challenges showcases his dedication to making Aboutdis a hub of support, resources, and connection for individuals, families, and caregivers in the special needs community.